Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Well, here's another enlightening story about dealing with that dishonest ilk -  auto mechanics -  who enjoy taking women for a ride, figuratively, that is.   Maybe it's a "mother" thing.  I don't know.  But if I could find a mechanic who would tell me the truth about my car, I think I would die from the shock of it. Recently one did swear to me that he was always honest with his customers, including women,  declaring,  "I could never sleep at night if I did not tell the truth to a woman about her car." Yeah, right.

In any event, it was time to buy a new car - a situation that gives me chest pains and hives and nervous indigestion.  It is so trying for me to buy a car - and probably it is for any woman.  Luckily, I have my cousin, Matt, who is a car expert and knows how to  handle car salesmen. Thus,  all I have to do is go out and find the right car for me.  Once I have accomplished this feat, I call him in Florida so that he can negotiate for me.

Before I get to that stage, though,  the experience is very painful.  I do not know if you have had this happen to you,  but for a woman to walk alone into an auto dealership is to become prey to all the salespeople, waiting for a new mark.  It is almost as if you have taken  your clothes off because all eyes are on you, looking at you totally lascivously. Let me tell you, if you have had any experience with car salesmen,  you just know these guys are figuring out how to work you to their advantage.

And, if there are any female car salespeople out there, I certainly haven't seen them. Therefore,  as a lone woman,  you are lost in Macho Hell and you are definitely the "little woman" to all these guys, no matter their age.  They seem to come from the same mold - "You, Jane; Me, Tarzan!"  Terrific.

Anyhow, I looked and looked down the Cape for a used Toyota Corolla LE - this was back in 2006 - and was unsuccessful in finding what I wanted because there was no inventory down here at all.  So, a guy whom I knew and who had been a car salesman, advised me to go to AutoMile in Norwood to Ernie Boch's because he was certain that I would find something there.

Well, I really tried to avoid that suggestion because have you ever seen Ernie Boch on TV?  I mean, he is totally wacko and I had heard bad things about his dealership.  However, I was  getting desperate because my 1997 Ford Taurus, was in pretty bad shape.  So, bracing myself for a Twilight Zonish experience, I trekked up to Norwood to see what I could see.  On the advice of Matt, I was not prepared to buy anything this day.  "Just act as if you are browsing, Ellen," he advised me.  "Once they know you want to make a purchase,  you are sunk.  They will do anything to gouge you."  Advice that could really make you stay at home and in bed!!

But, being the intrepid person that I am, I NEVER give up!! It's a family trait!! -  I drove up and entered the hallowed halls of Boch Toyota, definitely an alternate universe.  First, there were only men there who were salespeople - any women were clerks, of course; very second class.  And, second, the place was HUGE - with the new car  models parked on the floor; a large TV room with loads of chairs;  a Parts room; a Service Area; and a fast-food cafeteria.

Immediately, I was approached by an Asian salesman, who could hardly speak English.  However, we did manage to communicate, with my saying, "Sir, I am not buying anything today.  I am just browsing for a used Toyota Corolla LE, about two years old."  He  did not seem to understand me at all, but took me out to the back, where we picked up a golf cart and drove around all the Toyotas. I mean the inventory was VAST -  like another world - Toyotas upon Toyotas upon Toyotas - the lot was endless.

Finally we came upon a sweet 2003 black Toyota Corolla LE, and he asked me, "If I can give you a good deal today, would you buy this?"  I told him that I never do anything without my cousin, Matt.  "Ok," he replied.  "Let's call him!"  Interesting how he suddenly could speak English very well!   In any event, I ended up buying the car and Matt, indeed, got me a very good deal.  I was so happy.  And the car ran beautifully for 4 1/2 years, with just  regular maintenance done on it.

 However, last year, I ran into a tree in my driveway and completely flattened one of my tires.  Being in this situation was a nightmare because I live down a very long road, where Triple A would have a very hard time finding me.  However, I managed to drive the car to my health club parking lot, where I still had to wait an hour and make many calls to Triple A before Steve, arrived with his tow truck. I breathed a sigh of relief when he finally drove into the lot  and happily watched him put on my spare tire. Then, suddenly, he stopped.  "Gee, Ellen," he said, astonished.  "I can't get this on for you. You've got a Hyundai spare tire here.  Whoever sold you this car, put in the wrong spare!"

Can you imagine?  I was dumbstruck!! and Steve could not believe it.  I had been driving around for 4 1/2 years without a spare.  What if I had had a flat in an out-of-the way place, all alone, without any help?  It would have been a disaster. Luckily, Steve was able to get the car on his flatbed and drive me to Sears to purchase a new tire.

Do you think this was the end of the story for me?  Of course not.  I was not going to let Boch get away with this.  How could they be so careless with my safety in this manner?  How?  Because all they wanted to do is sell this Toyota as quickly as possible, that's how.

But I wanted them to pay for my aggravation and for putting me in such an unsafe position without a spare tire for four years.  How would they do this, you may ask?  By giving me the correct Toyota spare and 5000 miles of free service.  When I told Matt about my demands, he was certain that I would never get the service, but, then, he was forgetting about my Kagan persistence! Therefore,  when I got home, I called Boch repeatedly - it was so hard to reach the right person. They kept telling me that the individual I wanted was not there or was tied up or would call me back.

I could reach no one and continued to call all week-end,  talking to many, many men, refusing to give up.  The women I talked with were only secretaries, of course.  Finally, I reached the right person and told him I wanted a new spare tire pronto! and 5000 miles service for free.  And, do you know what? without any muss or fuss,  he ordered a spare for me and authorized the service!  I was so happy - but, of course, this happiness was very  premature.  I mean, I was dealing with Boch, for heaven sakes - customer satisfaction is not in their vocabulary.

On Wednesday  I drove up from the Cape to the Boch Service Department.  When I arrived, the mechanic told me that he could do nothing for me - that I had to get everything okayed by the Sales Manager.  Can you imagine?  After putting me through spare tire hell, now I had to take more time to find the Sales Manager! And what about the authorization from the man who told me everything was ok over the week-end?  Naturally, the Service guy knew nothing about that!   I was beside myself.

In any event, I went to the Sales Floor and found the Manager.  "Gee, Ellen," he said, when I told him my story, "we can only give you a tire, but as far as service goes - well, I'll have to check with my boss!"  "How long will that take, do you think?" I asked.  "Well, he's not here right now - it's too early - but when he comes in, I'll get ahold of him."

"I beg your pardon," I cried. "That is unacceptable! You have to help me now!"  When he said that was impossible,  I decided to take matters into my own hands. How, you wonder?  Well, I  proceeded to tell every customer and salesman in my vicinity, in as loud a voice as possible, what had happened to me and how Boch was not rectifying the situation.

 "Do you know what Boch did to to me ?" I would ask anyone who would listen.  "Boch sold me a Toyota with a Hyundai spare tire!  Can you imagine?"  Let me tell you, everyone was incredulous - they had never heard of such a thing!  And they gathered around me, suggesting I see Ernie Boch, Jr. himself!

However, I did not have to take that step because, suddenly the Sales Manager planted himself in front of me and said, "OK, Ellen.  We can straighten this out.  Let's go over to Service and make you happy!" I gave him a very big smile and said, "You are so great to do this for me.  I am so appreciative!" Then he accompanied me to Service where he  conferred with the mechanic and immediately I got the free 5000-mile service, as well as the Toyota spare tire.  

Of course, I felt vindicated, but let me tell you, this experience wore me out. It took so much of my energy to get Boch to do the right thing.  And it was truly mind-boggling that they would have avoided it if they could.  Thus, as I am certain you can understand, I shall never do business with Boch again.

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